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Naturopaths in Edmonton West Central
We have 4 experienced Naturopathic Doctors on staff

Why chose TruMed?
Experience: Our Edmonton Naturopathic Doctors have extensive experience treating many common health concerns including Fatigue, Hypothyroidism, Adrenal Issues, Digestive concerns, as well as Skin and Mood concerns.
Precision: The Naturopaths at TruMed always rely on testing to guide our Alternative treatments. We provide Edmonton Thyroid, Hormone, Allergy, Deficiency Testing as well as Heavy Metal, Mold, Infectious and Toxicant Testing.
Evidence-based: At TruMed our Naturopathic Doctors always prioritize the used of evidence based alternative treatments with substantial human data from clinical trials, studies and case reports in addition to traditional Naturopathic treatments.
Functional Medicine: TruMed's Naturopathic Doctors rely on Functional Medicine principles to understand the root of your concerns. We understand that a medical concern may have numerous etiologies that are person specific.
Digestive treatments is a cornerstone of our Naturopathic practice.
TruMed's Naturopaths focus on giving Edmonton precise testing to determine exactly where your digestive issues originate.
SIBO Testing, Stool & Candida Testing and Food Sensitivity Testing help us solve even the most elusive cases of IBS, Constipation, Diarrhea, Abdominal pain, Bloating, Gas and Reflux.
SIBO testing is commonly used in cases where there is extreme gas, bloating and either diarrhea or constipation. Our Naturopaths will measure if you have an excess of hydrogen or methane gas production and will give treatments to restore proper bacterial balance.
Food Sensitivity Testing is hands down the most common test our Naturopathic Doctors run for digestive issues.
We've literally seen thousands of our Edmonton patients benefit from understanding what foods they are allergic or sensitive to.
Stool cultures and Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analyses (CDSA) are great for understanding colonic bacterial and yeast (and even parasite) load. These tests can also give our Naturopaths a bit of insight on small intestinal function as well.
Our Naturopathic Doctors have also had success with Crohn's & Ulcerative Colitis - we often suggest IV Therapy in addition to dietary changes and supplements to mitigate the disease process.
Our Naturopaths also occasionally treat ulcers, H.pylori, parasites and nausea in our Edmonton patients.
We love treating fatigue.
TruMed's Naturopaths have a strong foundation in hormones and nutrition as a starting point to find out exactly why you are tired.
We almost always run Thyroid and Adrenal testing in almost all of our patients which is almost always neglected in our Edmonton patients. Our Naturopathic Doctors see a ton of Adrenal Fatigue in our Edmonton patients as well as Hypothyroidism.
Our Naturopathic Doctors also run advanced deficiency, heavy metal and even infectious testing (yeast and viruses) to find all possible causes of Fatigue.
Various deficiencies are common reasons for fatigue in our Edmonton patients.
Interestingly, once basic hormones and deficiencies have been ruled out our Naturopaths have seen numerous cases of chronic viral infections causing issues in primarily young patients.
Although less common, our Naturopathic Doctors have most frequently seen Epstein Barr and HHV-6 as the offending agents.
Occasionally we'll find toxic load to be a cause of Fatigue - our Naturopathic Doctors may assess heavy metal status - Mercury toxicity is thought to cause fatigue in select patients.
We find IV Therapy an amazing treatment for Fatigue.
At TruMed our Naturopaths take hormones seriously.
We offer all available methods for testing hormones - blood, urine and saliva and we have tons of experience in a large range of hormonal conditions: PMS, Menopause, Heavy Cycles, Acne, Endometriosis, PCOS, Low Libido and so many more are extremely commonly seen.
For female concerns such as PMS, Heavy Cycles, Menstrual Migraines or Acne our Naturopaths can use either salivary or urinary hormone testing, with a preference for salivary testing as we have used this method for many years and have seen it be effective and relatively low cost.
Concerns where male hormones are suspected (acne, hair loss, hair growth), our Naturopathic Doctors may elect for DUTCH urinary hormone testing which gives an amazing analysis of male hormones and their metabolites.
DUTCH testing gives amazing insight but can be cost prohibitive (often costing anywhere from $400-$650). Urinary measurements reflect the bioavailable amount of hormone in most cases as it is only the free, nonprotein-bound fraction in blood/tissue that is available for phase II metabolism (glucuronidation and sulfation) and subsequent urine excretion.
Our Naturopathic Doctors may also use blood based testing as it is reported rapidly and is good for getting the "general picture" with regards to your hormone health. Blood allows for measurement of certain hormonal signals (eg. LH, FSH, TSH) that are not available through urine or saliva. Blood is pretty much the only was to accurately measure Thyroid parameters.
Ultimately, our Naturopathic Doctors use numerous testing techniques to stop the guessing game!
Our Naturopaths are trained in many hormone testing techniques to find out what your body needs to achieve balance.
We have close relationships with prescribing professionals to make sure that even the strongest therapies like bio-identical hormones and desiccated thyroid are available for even the trickiest cases.
However, our Naturopaths always start with gentle natural balancing therapies to restore harmony to your hormones.
We've got options when it comes to your mood.
We do two things that really sets our Naturopaths apart in Edmonton at TruMed when it comes to treating mood issues like Anxiety and Depression.
First, our Naturopathic Doctors always run in-depth hormone testing on all of our Edmonton mood and mental health patients. We have seen time and time again that things like low Thyroid or low Testosterone plays a huge role in many mental health patients that is overlooked far too often.
Our Naturopaths are always looking for the cause of your mood concerns.
Second, our Naturopathic Doctors offer IV therapy for our Edmonton mood patients.
By directly infusing substances into the blood we can elevate brain levels much more rapidly and robustly than is possible with oral administration.
If needed our Naturopaths may suggest Neurotransmitter Testing if we want to figure out exactly what neurotransmitters your body needs help with (Serotonin, Dopamine, GABA, Glycine, PEA etc) - this is helpful in cases that don't respond to standard interventions already mentioned or if it appears that the issues are deeper than Serotonin and Dopamine.
Our Naturopaths work with numerous preparations to improve mood and mental health.
We frequently use herbs to impact anxiety, and lift mood.
Our Naturopaths occasionally deal with other mental health concerns such as Bipolar, Schizophrenia and OCD. We have additional training on how to safely combine natural agents with numerous standard mood treatments like anti-depressants.
Your skin is important to us.
Our Naturopaths have a ton of experience with lots of common skin concerns in our Edmonton clients. We have treated a lot of Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Seborrheic dermatitis, Hives and more.
For instance, in Acne cases our Naturopaths usually run hormone and allergy testing to see if an excess of hormones or food reactions are contributing to your skin woes. If the Acne occurs primarily premenstrual our Naturopaths will elect for urinary or salivary estrogen and progesterone testing.
If the acne is stable through the month, we may run Food sensitivity or male Hormone Testing (preferably though urine - for the male hormone 5-alpha metabolites).
Running urinary testing can also be helpful for male pattern hair loss (in both men and women) in addition to Thyroid testing - one common manifestation of Hypothyroidism is hair loss.
Food Sensitivity Testing actually has some relevance for hair loss as cross reactions are thought to be possible between gluten and hair follicles.
In Eczema, Hives and Psoriasis, we run comprehensive food testing and may also use histamine analysis to find out where your inflammation originates.
Common triggers foods include wheat, dairy, and eggs.
Histamine testing is done electrodermally by one of our Naturopathic Doctors (Dr. Sumar) we often deficiencies as a major contributor to Histamine overproduction in our Edmonton patients.
In the last few years it has become popular to use IV Therapy for cosmetic purposes in our Edmonton patients.
Our Naturopaths treat kids!
All four of our Naturopathic Doctors can work with children however Dr. Deol and Dr. Sumar have practices more focused on Naturopathic Pediatrics.
Most commonly our Naturopaths see children in Edmonton with skin and digestive concerns and often times simple dietary manipulation or Food Sensitivity Testing can be extremely helpful in many cases.
Concerns like ADD & ADHD are also addressed though diet, however, our Naturopaths often work with deficiencies which are historically low in these populations as well.
Dr. Deol does additional work with Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders - Naturopathic medicine looks at organic acid imbalances as well as gut flora (Candida, Clostridia often) and toxicities which can be extremely helpful to improve communication and social interaction, repetitive and restricted behaviors.
Discovery of food sensitivities is important as it is common to suggest dairy and gluten free in these patient populations as part of a comprehensive Naturopathic treatment plan.
Dr. Sumar's use of Electrodermal Analysis in her Naturopathic practice is an amazing tool in pediatric concerns.
Electrodermal is a rapid and non-invasive way to quantify infections, histamine and deficiencies.
Dr. Sumar has had success treating pediatric allergic concerns with Electrodermal Testing (also called "VEGA" testing) as well as Insomnia and Anxiety in our Edmonton pediatric patients.
Dr. Deol knows Fertility.
Fertility is certainly a concern our Naturopaths take seriously as it dovetails nicely with the hormonal focus we have at our clinic.
Although all Naturopaths at TruMed can deal with concerns of both male and female Infertility, Dr. Deol in particular focuses heavily on Fertility.
We use a combination of blood, urine and salivary hormone testing to get a complete picture of your hormone health.
We find blood testing of particular importance for measurement of Thyroid function - as Hypothyroidism is a reversible cause in infertility and is certainly a common issue our Naturopathic Doctors see in our Edmonton patients.
Blood testing can also give us standard fertility measures such as LH & FSH however we may do what's called an RBC elements test to measure levels of red blood cell (intracellular) deficiencies.
Salivary or urinary hormone testing is excellent for looking at levels of bio-available hormones involved in both male and female Fertility. Urine hormone testing has the added advantage of giving a deep dive into female hormone metabolites which is welcome in cases of infertility to add additional data.
With regards to treatment our Naturopathic Doctors often suggest acupuncture and IV Therapy to maximize chances of conception.
IV Therapy can be used to improve both egg and sperm quality.
Acupuncture is done primarily by Dr. Deol to improve uterine blood flow and also regulate menstrual cycles - it can be done in conjunction with IVF to improve successful implantation.
Experienced with Autoimmunity.
Because of Dr. Muradov's experience with Multiple Sclerosis our Naturopathic Doctors can deal additionally with other autoimmune diseases.
Autoimmunity is extremely challenging and often unpredictable however using basic Functional Medicine principles our Naturopaths have had success improving many autoimmune conditions in our Edmonton patients.
Our Naturopaths most commonly see: MS, Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, Hashimoto's, Graves', RA, Psoriasis and Lupus.
In keeping with Functional Medicine our Naturopaths often start at the level of the gut for many autoimmune conditions.
Food sensitivity testing, stool testing / PCR are common areas we may begin with in addition to gut healing protocols. Individualized diets based off of unique sensitivity test results as well as diets such as AIP.
Next our Naturopathic Doctors often consider toxicities (mold, metals and environmental toxicities) as well as infections (bacterial, viral, fungal and spirochete) as possible immunological triggers.
We may perform heavy metal testing, mold testing as well as infectious testing (IgM/IgG or EliSpot) to confirm infections in our Edmonton autoimmune patients.
Don't see your condition listed?
Give our Naturopaths a call
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Naturopath Edmonton Reviews
See what our patients have been saying:
"Dr. Muradov is very empathetic and knowledgeable. His treatments have been helpful to me where treatments I've tried before over many years have not."
"Awesome Doctor;) Awesome staff! I got so much better since visiting Dr.Muradov! After my IVs I am getting better and better! I can just highly recommend this clinic!"
"Dr. Deol is incredible and has vast knowledge in a variety of areas."
"Dr Deol is absolutely amazing! After trying to conceive for about 6 months, I conceived after 2 months under her care."
"Dr Sumar cares so much about her patients. Goes the extra mile for everyone. Drastically improved my health - both physical and mental!"
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About the Naturopaths at TruMed Edmonton
More about Naturopaths
Choosing the best Naturopath in Edmonton for you
Edmonton has its fair share of Naturopaths.
TruMed has 4 Naturopaths on staff.
Use this guide to help you find the Naturopath in Edmonton that fits you best.
1) Find the right focus. Although all Naturopaths in Edmonton & Alberta have undergone similar training at Naturopathic medical school, the training that they continue and the areas they focus on after graduating differ greatly.
For instance, some Naturopaths focus just on kids or just on Cancer! So you probably don't want to visit one of those Naturopaths if you're experiencing digestive concerns.
Make sure you research the Naturopath you want to visit and make sure they deal or have dealt with your particular concerns.
So, if you want to visit someone at TruMed, we do really well with Thyroid, Hormone or Digestive Concerns in our Edmonton patients and our Naturopathic Doctors do a lot of IV Therapy.
So, if you have those, or a conditions that responds well to IV Therapy, we can probably help you really well.
Of course, you may want to inquire how much experience that have with a given concern as well. Just because a Naturopathic Doctor focuses in an area doesn't mean that they have treated a lot of that concern so you may want to ask reception or even the Naturopathic Doctor if they have a lot of experience with your particular concerns.
2) Know the costs. All Naturopaths in Edmonton have out of pocket costs for visits because we are not covered by Alberta health so be prepared. In general, expect to pay around $200 for your first visit and anywhere from $80-$175 on average for follow up visits for seeing a Naturopath in the Edmonton area.
Testing is another area that you need to know about. Testing gets pricey. Hormone Testing, Allergy Testing and Thyroid Testing can add up starting at a couple of hundred dollars to well over a thousand dollars, so plan ahead and ask your prospective Naturopath's office about these type of fees.
Check your benefits! Lots of benefits are starting to cover test costs which can greatly reduce your out of pocket Naturopath costs. For instance, for many hormonal concerns our Naturopaths run Urinary "DUTCH" Hormone Testing - the upper end DUTCH test is $650!
Lastly, supplements and treatments add significantly to costs. Most Naturopaths in Edmonton will suggest you take supplements. Sometimes it can be a bottle or two, whereas in other situations it can be upwards of 10!! Luckily some newer insurance benefits are starting to cover supplements but this is not common! Expect to pay out of pocket.
IV Therapy is amazing as well but can also be pricey - IV Treatments from Naturopaths on average are about $175 in the Edmonton area.
3) Be patient. Every Naturopath in Edmonton wants you to get better! But sometimes it takes time for treatments to work and it might be a month or two before you start to feel a lot better.
Sometimes they don't work as intended and you and your Naturopath need to switch things up.
At TruMed we like to have patients well on their way within 6 weeks of their first visit, and try to get cases under control with 3-4 visits. That's another reason we use a lot of IV therapy at TruMed Clinic because the results are really quick.